Our Attorneys Understand Bankruptcy…And More
Sometimes emergencies make it hard to pay your debts, but things often build up slowly. You sense the problems each time you try to figure out where your paycheck goes. Then one day it goes to the next level. Debt collection can frequently trigger unwanted phone calls throughout the day. Letters may arrive with demands for payment, or notice is delivered that you’re being sued or that your wages could be attached. You may receive notice that your mortgage lender intends to foreclose on your property.
Don’t ignore these events! Take action!
Fear of losing control of your situation is often your biggest obstacle. The attorneys at Germani Law Offices will take the time to thoroughly review your circumstances and help you select the best approach. Whether that means negotiating with creditors, consolidating your debt payments, or filing a bankruptcy case, we have the knowledge and experience to answer your questions so that you can make the decision that’s right for you.